Here are the first two patches - the second one is now complete! I do love this process.
For someone who said she would never, ever, ever hand quilt another quilt............ am I really doing this and enjoying it? Yes I am. The beauty is that I can't see a Quilt Policeman anywhere and the clock isn't ticking! My time, my design and my choices.
This is the third patch - a piece of a gelatine printed fabric. It really is very interesting how much life a scrap can take on, in isolation!
This morning we had a new washing machine installed in our kitchen (long story - lets just say, it cuts out the stairs!)
Little Miss Her ran out the door as soon as the plumber arrived this morning. She finally can back tonight at dinner time.
I did 3 loads of washing with the little cat looking daggers at the kitchen. After the last load she finally deciced she could get a little closer! She is not too sure!
Isn't this the most amazing mess of interesting stuff? All the threads are hand dyed!
Glad you are enjoying the hand stitching Sally. Blogger seems to be doing something odd as the re are no pictures showing.
Hi Sally, no pnotos, I wonder where they went.
Mmm no pics but your blackbird quilt is a stunner. Happy stitching chrisb
The orange/red/yellow really glows against the dark background. This looks like it will be a stunner! Hand stitching is nice when you can set your own timetable.
Moggie is just strong enough to say 'poor little miss, I understand'
Her aunt cat sat her while I went to Quilt in this afternoon and I came home to them both asleep on the sofa. Kitty bonding time.
I think she is going to live.
Mind you now that I am more sure of that I do not mind the subdued kitty so much...LOL.
Lovely work and how is he who must be obeyed?
I'm loving your travelers blanket! and now I'm glad I put orange in your box by mistake! Hopefully, you can use some in this blanket! it's beautiful!! I love the process...hand stitching, no 'police' and no target date! How relaxing!
So glad you were able to get the pics up Sally. The travellers blanket just glows. Sounds as if. you have got a cat like mine! I love jumbles of threads, especially hand dyed ones.
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