Then I went through my photos and found this little fellow. How sweet is he? He was going to be a test for my "seriously not trained" water colour skills. I decided to give him a go - painted from a photo - I think I got his vague look! He really is only about 1/2 inch long! Did I succeed? I think I might have just done it. Not technically correct but he does look like a little green frog anyway!
This beautiful Raven I found on a walk around the waterfront when I went for a long look around the shore while I was in Vancouver in November last year. He was a cheeky bird ans was watching me while I took photo after photo of him. He just came closer and closer. By the time I took this photo, I could have reached out and patted him.
He was very small compared to the ravens we have here but he was a lot more friendly than our natives!
I might have just found my creative mojo again!

Well done! I have been sketching my dried lotus seeds as part of the sketch book challenge...dried seed pods are so fascinating! I like your frog...and your raven, too.
Hi Sally, I really have enjoyed looking through your block - you have made some wonderful quilts. Laura is my tutor. I am really looking forward to some quilt making, I am a complete novice in this field.
Sally, that should say blog, not block!! And thank you for your kind comment.
Wow! I'm impressed! I can't even draw stick men to look like stick men!! VERY nice work!!! You've got your mojo back!
I agree, you have definitely got your mojo back. The frog has character, much more important than being technically correct. I like the seed head and the raven too. Cheers
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