The second process was to scrunch the wet fabric up and then dab it with paint.
This piece is a product of impatience. I stopped the process before the colours had run too far. I really like the effect though. When the paint was starting to dry on the top of the scrunched up wad of fabric I dabbed it with bronze paint.
This is a photo of a piece in progress the blue is just popping! I am trying to be very patient with this one and it's 3 friends on the plastic sheet.
It is so cold in my sewing room. I've had to move these into the living room to sit in front of the fire over night. They were still damp this morning, so I still need to wait! Grrrr. It's a good job I've had to come to work, otherwise I might have been tempted to get the hairdryer out! VBG!
When I'd finished painting the wet fabric, I still had plenty of paint on my palette and nowhere to dry anymore wet fabric! So what to do? I used my little foam brush and had some fun with dry fabric!
I think I like these!
I now know why it wasn't finished. It really lacked something. I put it back on the pile and continued painting. I ended up with spare Bronze paint on the palette so I thought I try using a sponge roller to add paint and texture to the quilted feathers. I think it worked!
I'd really love to know what you think of my playing!
I think you've been having a TON of fun!
Oh Sally, those pieces look just gorgeous.. love the bronze on the feathers.. woohoo, can't wait to see the finished pieces..
Oh Sally I really wanted to do that course but I just havent the time or to be brutally honest the money so it is lovely seeing what you are doing. The feathers look great.
Great pieces Sally. You have been having loads of fun. Now I have my paints it is catch-up time!
Hi Sally, I have just found your blog after linking through from Maggi's blog. You have been having lots of fun, I love the results. Wish I was doing the course along with you but shall have to content myself visiting your blog to see your progress - I have overcommitted as usual and have no spare time for a new project. Cheers, Robin
You have been having fun! :)
Like how the feathers turned out.
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