Not because it "has to be somewhere" but because it has a dimentional problem! It twisted! It needs a rethink! I will sort it out but not now! I really like what I have done so far but!!?
Tonight I found this quilt! I take photos of everything! Gee!
I gave it to GD2 for Christmas 2008. I had forgotten to take photos!
It is all about pockets. There are so many places to hide stuff! I think her mobile phone has a home in here somewhere.
Georgia might be nearly 14 but I just coudn't resist this little pair of jeans! Hi Five was just a must!

What a great jeans quilt! Best one I've ever seen. :) Love the additional colours you have used with it. They sure add the zing.
Didn't it turn out well and those bits of red and purple add a real zing.
Fantastic quilt colorful your GD2 must love it.
This is so modern! It turned out wonderfully - love the improvisation
LOVE it, Sally! I've been saving jeans from the GKs hoping someday to make a quilt for with all the memories of those precious little ones and their jeans. Just not a "traditional" quilter anymore so it has gone dormant. However, this idea gives me some ideas of possibilities! Thanks and GREAT WORK!!! What a lucky GD!
ooooh, i love this quilt, and the hints of red!
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