We did the big move, then locked the door to the house and ran away in our caravan for Easter. I really wish we had stayed home! That is a long story and not for my blog, but it did set the tone for the whole of Easter!
I don't like moving house and this one has been very stressful. The movers were rough! A few things were broken and I'm still trying to find bits (I have the stereo speakers but not the stereo. I have the sewing table lamp but not the clamp that holds it onto the table!) Downsizing is a pain too, particularly when you really hae no idea how much stuff you really have! I am so sick of the sight of boxes! I've discovered my sewing room had more stuff in it than I thought! Plus the fact that my stash has now had to move out of a linen cupboard and into my sewing room! Eek! Thank goodness for 12 foot ceilings.The fun bit was unpacking the boxes that haven't seen the light of day for over two years.
To top it all off, yesterday my dear Mum took a turn for the worse and landed in hospital! The poor dear is not very well, and at this stage her prognosis not good.
Thanks for listening to my little rant! It has made me feel a bit better just talking!

Dearest Sal, sorry that life has been squeezing you lately. Know that you are in my prayers and thoughts - as is your Mum. Remember, you can only do what you can do and concentrate on one thing at a time. It helps, even if it is difficult to put this into practice! Hang in there, Young Lady x x x
Oh Sally, I do sympathise. Stress on top of stress! I will add you and your Mum to my prayers.
Moving is never easy and yours sounds like it has been particularly traumatic. Sorry to hear about your mother, I am thinking of her and you.
Ten years from now you'll forget all about this move! Do hope mum gets on the mend. You're in our thoughts!
Welcome back Sally, Sorry to hear about your mum. I wish her and you all the very best.
Sorry to hear about your mum and moves are always horrid when you have to downsize. Best wishes for your mum and your sanity... and remember to take some time for yourself.
I know you will find this hard to believe but the scrambled word I had to type for the previous comment was frendsit and I think that is an omen for you... take some time for yourself and simply sit and remember the good things... it is surprising how many you can find when you start to look
Hugs from my heart.
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